Do you like what I make? Here’s how you can help.
I absolutely one thousand percent would not be able to do what I do without the support of my audience. Those who have followed me for a while have probably noticed a positive evolution in my content. This is dude almost entirely to the homies who support me through one the methods below.
There is absolutely no obligation to financially support me, but just know that if you choose to do so, you are actually making a tangible difference! My content and I are better because of you!
1. Paypal
You can make a one-time or recurring donation through PayPal. This is a great option for people who want ultimate control over their contributions. You choose when and how much you donate and whether you donate more than once.
2. Patreon
You can become a monthly supporter through Patreon, which is the ultimate method of support. Patreon is kind of like Netflix, except you get to decide how much you pay, and you still get my content even if you choose not to subscribe. Pretty good deal huh?
3. YouTube Membership
YouTube Membership
Clicking the “JOIN” button on my YouTube channel is another way to support in a long term way. It mostly exists as an alternative to Patreon, for those who don’t feel like signing up for another platform.
4. Merch
You can also support me by purchasing some of my products! I will be working with some designers to make even better designs in the future!
5. Support me as you Shop on Amazon and eBay
As an Amazon Affiliate and a member of the eBay Partner Network, I can earn money by referring you guys to Amazon and eBay to buy products. Even if you do not buy the product that is linked, I still get a cut if you make any purchases!
Click here to begin shopping on eBay using my affiliate link!
Click here to begin shopping on Amazon using my affiliate link!
6. Support me without spending money
If you do not have any extra money, but still want to support me, no worries! Here’s what you can do.
Follow me on Social Media. I have Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.
Click the Notification bell for my channel on YouTube.
“Like,” comment, and Favorite my content on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Watch videos. Seriously. Just watching a video helps me out, especially if you watch it all the way through.
Supporting in these ways is JUST AS GOOD in the long run as donating money directly. I am not exaggerating. Support me in any way you feel comfortable. Thanks!!!